Thursday, September 29, 2011

Revisiting the Rumor Mill and Bankrutpcy Filing

Back in April, I made a post about rumors and reality in bankruptcy law. Because my everyday experience with clients shows me that the rumor mill persists, I thought I'd revisit this issue. Whenever the phone rings, people call with questions about their financial situation and potential relief they might find from filing bankruptcy. Inevitably, these calls include questions about "something" the caller heard from a relative, a friend, a co-worker about the bankrupcty process. Typically, the information is entirely eroneous!

If you have questions about bankruptcy, call our office for real answers that are based on the law, not on heresay from a friend who had a friend get the picture!

We're here to dispell myths and rumors and give you the facts so that you may make decisions that make sense for your situation.

Disclaimer: This blog is for informational purposes only and does not establish a client-attorney relationship. Consult with an attorney before taking action on any information found herein as individual circumstances may affect the applicability of information provided. Call The Law Office of Michael Riley at 508-405-0831 with any questions.